Hi guys, I was going to write that I wasn't going to be blogging during the weekend.. but I forgot.
I had a nice, but boring midsummer, yesterday I visited my little cousin and today I haven't done anything remarkable. Bought a pair of black jeans in Zara, and now I'm doing something I haven't done in months.. I'm going working out (!!!). I'm so excited because I haven't been able to run, jump or even walk (as in excersising) because of periostitis. It's not completely gone, but I'll give it a go. I'm so excited!

I had a nice, but boring midsummer, yesterday I visited my little cousin and today I haven't done anything remarkable. Bought a pair of black jeans in Zara, and now I'm doing something I haven't done in months.. I'm going working out (!!!). I'm so excited because I haven't been able to run, jump or even walk (as in excersising) because of periostitis. It's not completely gone, but I'll give it a go. I'm so excited!

I'll never grow tired of you
Just realize you're not unstoppable, just realize it's meant to be.
Hi guys, I'm sorry that I've been a bit off!
I'm back now and I'm stronger than ever, I'm sat listening to Rihanna - Man Down! I'm inlove with her newest album Loud. What started out as a simple altercation turned into a real sticky situation, me just thinking on the time that I'm facing makes me wanna cry.."
I'm back now and I'm stronger than ever, I'm sat listening to Rihanna - Man Down! I'm inlove with her newest album Loud. What started out as a simple altercation turned into a real sticky situation, me just thinking on the time that I'm facing makes me wanna cry.."
I found out an very exciting thing today.
A long time ago Linnéa told me that her parents had suggested, or wanted her or whatever to go with me to england, to learn the language better and so on. With my parents or on our own. I told my mum and stepdad about it and they just said that they would think about it.
A long time ago Linnéa told me that her parents had suggested, or wanted her or whatever to go with me to england, to learn the language better and so on. With my parents or on our own. I told my mum and stepdad about it and they just said that they would think about it.
And today they told me that (someday..?) Linnéa and I are going to get to go down to my "almost" grandmother and live with her for a week in South Hampton or in Matlock! I'm happy, yay :D
I'm sorry!
I'm so sorry for the incredibly bad update, Linnéa's staying the night.
Talk to you tomorrow, love!
Talk to you tomorrow, love!
Whatcha Got - Dessie (swedish blogger)
Okay.. I feel I have to write someting about Dessies new song.
First of all it seems like swedens biggest bloggers (kissie, paow, dessie, kenza etc) all are trying to become something more than a blogger, at the moment singer seems to be the big thing.
I'm having a very difficult time to admit it, but I like the song..
It's catchy and I like the sound.. argh.
First of all it seems like swedens biggest bloggers (kissie, paow, dessie, kenza etc) all are trying to become something more than a blogger, at the moment singer seems to be the big thing.
I'm having a very difficult time to admit it, but I like the song..
It's catchy and I like the sound.. argh.
"Whatcha doing in the back of the club, heeeey, common over give me whatcha got"
Linnéa was supposed to come here like an hour ago, but she woke up with migraine (poor thing), so I don't really know what happens today. If anything happens today or if she's even spending the night.
We'll see.. I just woke up anyway, and until I here something from Linnnéa I'm just going to relax in front of TBBT, Smallville and so on.
We'll see.. I just woke up anyway, and until I here something from Linnnéa I'm just going to relax in front of TBBT, Smallville and so on.
Good night!

I'm home, after an extremly long and boring day.
First I dropped my book of at school, then I went to my grandmothers house and spent some time with her.
After that I went home (to my dad), hade a shower put on an episode of Lynley and fell a sleep.
At four-thirty we left for the police, four and a half-hours later I was back home.. We were sat waiting for three and a half-hours! Glad to have it over with at least.
My plans changed again, well not really my plans.. Linnéa didn't come home as early as we expected so she will stay the night tomorrow instead. We have great plans, we're going to eat lunch on Friday's just near Sturegallerian, we passed the place like a million times last week and decided to eat there someday! After lunch we're going to Ikea.. random? Quite, I admit it. But we like it that way I suppose!

You are beautiful - I sincerely hope you realize that one day ♥
First I dropped my book of at school, then I went to my grandmothers house and spent some time with her.
After that I went home (to my dad), hade a shower put on an episode of Lynley and fell a sleep.
At four-thirty we left for the police, four and a half-hours later I was back home.. We were sat waiting for three and a half-hours! Glad to have it over with at least.
My plans changed again, well not really my plans.. Linnéa didn't come home as early as we expected so she will stay the night tomorrow instead. We have great plans, we're going to eat lunch on Friday's just near Sturegallerian, we passed the place like a million times last week and decided to eat there someday! After lunch we're going to Ikea.. random? Quite, I admit it. But we like it that way I suppose!

You are beautiful - I sincerely hope you realize that one day ♥
On my way to see my grandma now!
I'm awesome
Okay you guys, I'm up and running and I'm leaving for the bus any minute now.
I just realized that I think in english, not all the time but I find myself thinking in english every once in a while.
I won't blog anymore until late evening I'm afraid, will be away all day without my computer.
I hope you all have a great day!
I just realized that I think in english, not all the time but I find myself thinking in english every once in a while.
I won't blog anymore until late evening I'm afraid, will be away all day without my computer.
I hope you all have a great day!
Flippin heck
I overslept.. bigtime, and now I'm in a hurry!
I love my life
I'm so tired of facebook, seriously. It is a time-consuming, boring and worthless website and I'd like to just delete my account. But the thing is.. I don't know if I can. You have your "whole life" there. Friends, pictures, events.. it's how you keep track of everything that's going on. So in the end I probably won't delete my account, but I'm not signed in at least. Not even on my beloved iPhone. Wich happens quite rarely!
I have to get up like superearly tomorrow.. I forgot to turn in a book and I need to do that first thing tomorrow morning, then I need to go visit my grandmother! Have to get my passport fixed tomorrow as well, really looking forward to tomorrow.. not!
Well.. I just realized - Linnéa's coming home tomorrow and she's staying the night, lovely!
I'm going to watch an episode of TBBT, then an episode of Skins and well.. I should sleep after that, but i assume that I won't be able to. We'll see.
Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite!

I have to get up like superearly tomorrow.. I forgot to turn in a book and I need to do that first thing tomorrow morning, then I need to go visit my grandmother! Have to get my passport fixed tomorrow as well, really looking forward to tomorrow.. not!
Well.. I just realized - Linnéa's coming home tomorrow and she's staying the night, lovely!
I'm going to watch an episode of TBBT, then an episode of Skins and well.. I should sleep after that, but i assume that I won't be able to. We'll see.
Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite!

there is only one direction

Have got loads to do, would rather spend all evening in front of tinychat.. but noooo..
My awesome design is here anyway, thank you again Emelie!
My awesome design is here anyway, thank you again Emelie!
oh crap
I didn't want this to happen.. but I fell inlove with 2/3 houses, anyone who has ever moved knows how unpredictable and hard buying (and selling) a house is. When we eventually move, that will be my 9th move. There is so much more to it than finding a house that you like. And it is extremely dangerous to fall inlove with a house because 9/10 times you loose it to somebody else. In both houses we saw I would have a big room wich is something I really want! The house we live in today is approximately 100 m², and the house I like the most is approximately 260 m²..

We'll see what happens, I'll keep you updated!
My new design will be here soon, I'm so happy!
Don't forget to ask me a few questions, best question will be linked (länkad)!

Change of plan
Okay everybody, there's been a change of plan, we are going now instead.
Have to say I'm not looking forward to it. Well well..
Have to say I'm not looking forward to it. Well well..
I'm back
The house was terrible, it had an amazing view and it was quite cute but it was in the middle of nowhere.. and it was old so it smelt.. well old. I'm not a very straight forward person, I'd rather keep quiet than to express my feelings (wich I know is stupid) but when it comes to moving somewhere I'm very straight forward. If I feel something I'll say it, if I hate the house I'll say it. End of convo.
Going on another showing in an hour.. til' then I'll probably be sat right here, in front of my beloved macbook doing absolutely nothing.
When I see you boy my heart goes knock knock...
Going on another showing in an hour.. til' then I'll probably be sat right here, in front of my beloved macbook doing absolutely nothing.
Write you later.
Don't forget the "questiontime" (frågestunden for you swedes)

When I see you boy my heart goes knock knock...
Going house hunting now, wish me luck!
<a href="">Följ min blogg med Bloglovin</a>
Questiontime (aka frågestund)
Ask me anything, and I'll post a blog entry with the answers to all your questions!


My next mission!
My next mission is to clean my room, so excited.. or?
It has to be done, see you in a while!
It has to be done, see you in a while!
Oh rainy sunday, took this picture a minute ago. Yeah, it's raining alright!
Oh rainy sunday, took this picture a minute ago. Yeah, it's raining alright!

Woke up to a freezing room, I forgot to close my window last night and now I have to pay the prize. At the moment I'm lying under a thick duvet and a normal quilt - but I still haven't closed the window..
We're going house-hunting today, and I'm quite scared. I live in this apartment that feels like a house, it's quite hard to explain but anyway - we here has got our own private bridge, we live just by the forest and this place is wonderful during summertime. Wintertime is a bit worse. And the biggest downside with this house is that it takes me about fifteen minutes to get to the bus every morning, and in the winters - when the temperature is - 23°C (-9.4°F), and there's a blizzard and about a meter (3.2 ft) of unploughed snow it's a nightmare to get to the bus.
Anyway.. I'm not a big house-person, I get scared quite easily and i prefer living in something a bit smaller, but they (mum and stepdad) really want a house.. and the more I think about it, the more I like the idea.
I think we're going on 3 showings today and this is a picture of the only house I (so far) could see myself living in.
Bye for now!

Anyway.. I'm not a big house-person, I get scared quite easily and i prefer living in something a bit smaller, but they (mum and stepdad) really want a house.. and the more I think about it, the more I like the idea.
I think we're going on 3 showings today and this is a picture of the only house I (so far) could see myself living in.
Bye for now!

Believe in everything because everything is reachable.
"Niall is irish and he's cute" .. "stop singing about miley cyrus"

I love you

Okay I lied.. This is the last you'll hear from me today.
I'm thinking about crawling into bed, watching an episode or two of The BigBang Theory and then going to sleep.
Sounds like a pretty good plan to me, g'night!

I took the first picture I could find, well this is me.. for all of you who don't know me!
I'm thinking about crawling into bed, watching an episode or two of The BigBang Theory and then going to sleep.
Sounds like a pretty good plan to me, g'night!

I took the first picture I could find, well this is me.. for all of you who don't know me!
Like normal
I'm sat doing absolutely nothing.. well, I'm on twitter, facebook and msn.
Having the greatest time with Anna, I mean seriously.. that girl can make you laugh, makes me laugh just thinking about our conversations.
Having the greatest time with Anna, I mean seriously.. that girl can make you laugh, makes me laugh just thinking about our conversations.
You won't hear anything more from me tonight.. and btw, I'm starting to have second thoughts about this whole "bloging in english" thing, sure it's good fun.. but it's harder, and a blog entry takes a lot longer to write funnily enough. I guess it is because you need to think a bit more when you write.
Well, whatever, you'll notice!
Well, whatever, you'll notice!
About the design..
I asked my friend Emelie (supersweet girl) if she could do a design for me - she is absolutely brilliant, and she said yes. Made my day, just kidding, but it made me extremely happy because she is very talented! In the meantime while I'm waiting for that design my other awesome friend Anna is going to do a very simple design for me, I've got awesome friends! Just thought I'd let you know that this extremely boring design will be gone soon!
Nothing can stop me!
Hiya guys!
My name is Matilda, I'm a 15 year old swedish girl who absolutely loves One Direction (therefore the name matilda tomlinson) I also love Justin Bieber, I find him a great inspiration and rolemodel and I really look up to him. All of you out there who hasn't seen Never Say Never - Justin Bieber yet should! It was for me a lifechanging movie, I suddenly realized that everything is reachable. There are no limits, I just need to believe in myself.
I go to school just as any other person my age, and I find it as boring as anyone else. My life outside school is all about my friends and music, and at the moment music is my boyfriend.
I have had many blogs.. and when I say many, I mean many. Somehow I always end up getting a new one, in the beginning I'm very dedicated. I post blog entry after blog entry, loads of pictures.. and then, I get bored. So, I figured that this time I'm going to try something new, I'm going to make this blog and english blog. Wich means I will only write in english, and I'm superexcited.

- My boys!
My name is Matilda, I'm a 15 year old swedish girl who absolutely loves One Direction (therefore the name matilda tomlinson) I also love Justin Bieber, I find him a great inspiration and rolemodel and I really look up to him. All of you out there who hasn't seen Never Say Never - Justin Bieber yet should! It was for me a lifechanging movie, I suddenly realized that everything is reachable. There are no limits, I just need to believe in myself.
I go to school just as any other person my age, and I find it as boring as anyone else. My life outside school is all about my friends and music, and at the moment music is my boyfriend.
I have had many blogs.. and when I say many, I mean many. Somehow I always end up getting a new one, in the beginning I'm very dedicated. I post blog entry after blog entry, loads of pictures.. and then, I get bored. So, I figured that this time I'm going to try something new, I'm going to make this blog and english blog. Wich means I will only write in english, and I'm superexcited.
See you later!

- My boys!