Nothing can stop me!
Hiya guys!
My name is Matilda, I'm a 15 year old swedish girl who absolutely loves One Direction (therefore the name matilda tomlinson) I also love Justin Bieber, I find him a great inspiration and rolemodel and I really look up to him. All of you out there who hasn't seen Never Say Never - Justin Bieber yet should! It was for me a lifechanging movie, I suddenly realized that everything is reachable. There are no limits, I just need to believe in myself.
I go to school just as any other person my age, and I find it as boring as anyone else. My life outside school is all about my friends and music, and at the moment music is my boyfriend.
I have had many blogs.. and when I say many, I mean many. Somehow I always end up getting a new one, in the beginning I'm very dedicated. I post blog entry after blog entry, loads of pictures.. and then, I get bored. So, I figured that this time I'm going to try something new, I'm going to make this blog and english blog. Wich means I will only write in english, and I'm superexcited.

- My boys!
My name is Matilda, I'm a 15 year old swedish girl who absolutely loves One Direction (therefore the name matilda tomlinson) I also love Justin Bieber, I find him a great inspiration and rolemodel and I really look up to him. All of you out there who hasn't seen Never Say Never - Justin Bieber yet should! It was for me a lifechanging movie, I suddenly realized that everything is reachable. There are no limits, I just need to believe in myself.
I go to school just as any other person my age, and I find it as boring as anyone else. My life outside school is all about my friends and music, and at the moment music is my boyfriend.
I have had many blogs.. and when I say many, I mean many. Somehow I always end up getting a new one, in the beginning I'm very dedicated. I post blog entry after blog entry, loads of pictures.. and then, I get bored. So, I figured that this time I'm going to try something new, I'm going to make this blog and english blog. Wich means I will only write in english, and I'm superexcited.
See you later!

- My boys!
Postat av: Louise
jaa då vet ja :)