oh crap
I didn't want this to happen.. but I fell inlove with 2/3 houses, anyone who has ever moved knows how unpredictable and hard buying (and selling) a house is. When we eventually move, that will be my 9th move. There is so much more to it than finding a house that you like. And it is extremely dangerous to fall inlove with a house because 9/10 times you loose it to somebody else. In both houses we saw I would have a big room wich is something I really want! The house we live in today is approximately 100 m², and the house I like the most is approximately 260 m²..

We'll see what happens, I'll keep you updated!
My new design will be here soon, I'm so happy!
Don't forget to ask me a few questions, best question will be linked (länkad)!

Postat av: F
kika gärna på bloggen med novell om Justin Bieber. Jag har kommit en bit men är liksom fortfarande ny med hela grejen. Vill så gärna ha feedback. :)